Things You Should Never Say in a Job Interview

Never say in a job interview, a job interview is a crucial step in the hiring process, where candidates have the opportunity to impress potential employers and secure their dream job. However, it is equally important to be mindful of what not to say during a job interview. Certain phrases or statements can leave a negative impression and significantly reduce your chances of being hired.

It’s important to be mindful of the words we choose and the topics we discuss during a job interview. In this blog post, we will explore the things you should never say in a job interview and provide tips on how to navigate these tricky situations with poise and professionalism.

In this article, we will explore the things you shouldn’t say in a job interview and provide insights on how to handle tricky questions and navigate through the interview effectively. So, read on to ensure you make the right impression and increase your chances of landing that desired job!

Things You Should Never Say in a Job Interview

Never Say in a Job Interview

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but knowing what not to say can be just as important as nailing your answers. From negativity to unprofessionalism, certain phrases can instantly derail your chances.

While I can’t give you an exhaustive list, here are some key things to avoid saying in a job interview:


  • Complaining about past employers or colleagues: This makes you look unprofessional and unable to handle conflict constructively.
  • Gossiping or badmouthing anyone: It raises red flags about your judgment and trustworthiness.
  • Highlighting salary or benefits as your top priority: Focus on the role and your value, not just compensation.


  • Saying you’re “nervous” or unprepared: Shows a lack of confidence and initiative.
  • Dressing inappropriately: First impressions matter, so dress professionally and respectfully.
  • Using profanity or slang: Unprofessional and creates a negative impression.
  • Arriving late or unprepared: Shows a lack of respect for the interviewer’s time and the opportunity.

Unrealistic expectations

  • Making demands or ultimatums: You’re in the early stages, so avoid being presumptuous.
  • Claiming to be perfect or having no weaknesses: Everyone has areas for improvement, so be honest and self-aware.
  • Sharing inappropriate personal information: Oversharing can be off-putting and irrelevant to the job.

Unclear communication

  • Rambling or giving irrelevant answers: Stay focused on the question and highlight relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using vague or generic responses: Show genuine interest and tailor your answers to the specific role and company.
  • Speaking poorly about yourself or your skills: Be confident and showcase your value proposition.

Remember (Tips)

  • Do your research: Know the company, the role, and common interview questions beforehand.
  • Be positive and enthusiastic: Show your genuine interest and excitement about the opportunity.
  • Highlight your skills and experiences: Focus on how you can add value to the company.
  • Ask thoughtful questions: This demonstrates your engagement and curiosity.
  • Thank the interviewer for their time: Express your appreciation and reiterate your interest in the role.

By avoiding these pitfalls and focusing on presenting your best self, you’ll increase your chances of making a positive impression and landing the job!

Some questions never say in a job interview. It is a crucial step in the hiring process.

Avoid “I don’t know” and “I have no questions”

Remember, a polished presentation and strategic communication hold the power to unlock your dream job. Let’s dive in and discover the words you should leave unspoken!

What words and phrases should we no longer adopt?

First, in the interview try to banish the “I don’t know”: “Ignorance is not a crime, but the trick is to translate it constructively. Instead of ending with ‘I don’t know‘, I encourage you to use variations”.

The expert suggests some useful phrases such as

  • I don’t know this but I’m willing to learn“,
  • I don’t have this knowledge, but I’ll first check the available documents, and if I know“,
  • I can’t find the answer, I’ll ask a colleague for advice“, or even
  • I don’t have an example, that comes to mind, but I can give an example that comes close,”

Also, when you finish the interview, you will be asked your own questions about the position. And saying you don’t have one is almost like saying “I’m not really interested“. Questions show your commitment and curiosity.

So, if you never know what to ask, Alexandra Ridoux gives some answers:

  • What did you like about my CV and cover letter?“,
  • What are the most important skills or experiences for you, most important for this position?”
  • Could you describe a typical day in this position for me?”
  • “How does the company support work-life balance?”, or
  • Don’t bring up too many personal things during the interview

The employer does not have a legal right to ask you certain questions in a job interview about your personal life. But be careful that this intrusion into your private life does not come from you as well.

So, don't talk about too intimate things. "Focus on what is relevant to the position. Only talk about your personal experiences when you are a young graduate and have useful things to highlight in your personal experiences (volunteer experience, association experience, etc.), the author continues.

A job interview is a stressful time, even though it involves a real investment for applicants. Logically, you have a right to be stressed. But don’t necessarily define it. “We know it’s stressful, but focusing on your stress only highlights a lack of preparation or confidence,”.

So, keep that in mind to combat your stress an interview is above all a meeting with the company. The days of a tough interview with trick questions are over. It's important to remind the candidate that we want to get to know them, understand who they really are, what they can do, and where they want to go.

But since too much anxiety can sometimes ruin a professional meeting, familiarity also works against you. “A job interview is not a meeting with friends, follow a certain formality,” continues the professional retraining expert.

Banish Lies, Criticism, and Ready Phrases

This guide unveils the key things to avoid, equipping you to navigate the interview with confidence and showcase your strengths effectively.

Another behavior to avoid

Criticizing yourself or others. Although “many of the candidates did not have the opportunity to share their grievances” against former employers. Your job interview is not the place to vent.

Indeed, “criticizing your former employer raises red flags with your professional skills. If you criticize your former employer, they will say they will be next,”

Stay away from ready-made formulations

Avoid hidden defects, like the classic “I’m too much of a perfectionist.” “Instead, choose honesty and mention the actual mistake, but also how you’re trying to overcome it,” continues the pro.

In fact, like “stubborn“, these are “flaws that aren’t really faults“. It is better to mention real weaknesses, which, however, are not an obstacle to achieving the desired position.

Finally, be yourself without adding too much. So, while it may seem safe to lie about certain things on your resume, be careful. These inventions can cost you dearly.

Facts always come out eventually. Authenticity is your best friend. However, it is not necessary to tell everything. If you don’t want to say you were fired from your previous job, don’t say it.

Check Out:


It is important to avoid certain phrases and statements during a job interview to make a positive impression on potential employers. Remarks such as overconfidence, negativity, or personal criticism should be avoided. Additionally, discussing salary expectations or asking about time off too early can also give a negative impression.

By being mindful of what you say during a job interview, you can increase your chances of landing the position. For more tips and advice on job interviews, be sure to like our page, follow us on social media, and comment below to share your experiences and thoughts.

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